Dear Solution Architects, Data Architects, Data Analysts, Data Scientists, DataOps Team, Senior Management,
Are you looking for a production ready streaming platform for your real-time data pipelines and streaming apps? Do you need a horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, and wicked fast solution without license barriers?
With the increasing demand around Apache Kafka, are you looking for Apache Kafka Cluster monitoring and management tools? Do you want to gain the freedom of Big Data independence?
Are you looking for the Apache Kafka management tool with the following features without vendor lock-in?
Manage multiple clusters
Easy inspection of cluster state (topics, consumers, offsets, brokers, replica distribution, partition distribution)
Run preferred replica election
Generate partition assignments with option to select brokers to use
Run reassignment of partition (based on generated assignments)
Create a topic with optional topic configs
Delete topics
Batch generate partition assignments for multiple topics with option to select brokers to use
Batch run reassignment of partition for multiple topics
Add partitions to existing topic
Update config for existing topic
Optionally enable JMX polling for broker level and topic level metrics.
Optionally filter out consumers that do not have ids/ owners/ & offsets/ directories in zookeeper.
Are you looking for Apache Kafka support?
Are you looking for Apache Kafka training and certification?